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- INFO-HAMS Digest Thu, 19 Oct 89 Volume 89 : Issue 779
- Today's Topics:
- Building A (Very) Low Cost Repeater
- for TI.COM people
- Guemes Island followup (2 msgs)
- LoJack and FBI frequencies (was Re: ARRL and User Fees)
- magnetometers
- Need 450 MHz. 10W transistor. How can you tell freq range?
- Neutralizing Heathkit finals (6146/A/B woes)
- Telephone privacy gadgets Add: Cryptography
- want mods info
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Date: 19 Oct 89 07:09:48 GMT
- From: gem.mps.ohio-state.edu!brutus.cs.uiuc.edu!wuarchive!texbell!attctc!jolnet!swan@tut.cis.ohio-state.edu (Joel Swan)
- Subject: Building A (Very) Low Cost Repeater
- In article <149@ubbs-nh.MV.COM> noel@ubbs-nh.MV.COM (N. Del More) writes:
- :I have it in mind to build a (very) low cost repeater for use here as
- :well as for use as an "emergency" repeater.
- :
- :The idea that I have is to use two handhelds, probably two late model
- :synthesized rigs.
- :
- :As I envision it one tranciever would be used primarily for the reciever,
- :while the other would be used as the transmitter. A homebrew, or kit
- :controller might be added at a later date as well as a linear amplifier
- :for extending the range as necessary.
- :
- :I'd appreciate hearing any comments, suggestions or actual plans for such
- :a set up, as well as any comments concerning possible low cost antenna
- :confirgurations.
- :
- :For the purpose of experimentation I have available an Icom IC-2A and an
- :IC-02AT, but if feasible, I would probably adapt the idea for use with
- :something like a Tempo One (? is that right, boy its been a long time!
- :?) or one of the older synthesized handhelds such as one of the heathkit
- :models.
- :
- :Thanks!
- :
- :Noel
- :N2AXI
- :--
- :Noel B. Del More | decvax!ubbs-nh!noel
- :17 Meredith Drive | noel@ubbs-nh.mv.com
- :Nashua, New Hampshire 03063 | It's unix me son! `taint spozed tah make cents
- I've heard of someone doing something like this with 2 Icom IC-02AT's before.
- They used two VOX units to hook them together. With a steroe mini to stereo
- mini cord (modified to swap tip and sleeve) they hooked the VOX units
- together. Each radio was set to their approproate frequencies. When one
- hh recieved signal, its earphone fed into the mic of the other's VOX unit
- which transmitted automatically. The same applied in the other direction.
- I've not tried this yet, but it seems feasable. I believe the earphone
- gain would need to be set fairly low though.
- BTW- I've still not heard from anyone on all the mods possible on the
- ICOM IC-02AT yet. I can't FTP so I need mail. Could someone please
- send mods (looking for frequency mods). Please?
- Hope the VOX approach works if you try it.
- Joel
- (HD down, no .sig file)
- ------------------------------
- Date: 19 Oct 89 04:39:13 GMT
- From: Teknowledge.COM!polya!Neon.Stanford.EDU!kaufman@beaver.cs.washington.edu (Marc T. Kaufman)
- In article <0624575376@uwovax.uwo.ca> ppddc@uwocc1.uwo.ca (Dave Colvin) writes:
- The Dick Smith unit works, but is much inferior to the Doppler Systems unit,
- mostly because of the way the audio is handled. In any event, to use the
- system you will have to have a radio capable of receiving the aircraft band
- in *FM* mode. This is because both units work by inducing an FM "doppler"
- shift from an electrically "rotated" antenna array.
- A group called the "Happy Flyers" had a kit for an AM DF unit, similar to
- the Little Elper, but using the aircraft's own radio receiver for audio. The
- last address I have for them is:
- Hart Postlethwaite, WB6CQW (International Commander)
- 1811 Hillman Ave.
- Belmont, CA 94002 (415) 341-4000
- This address is 10 years old, so use it with care.
- Marc Kaufman (kaufman@Neon.stanford.edu)
- ------------------------------
- Date: 19 Oct 89 12:39:28 GMT
- From: att!cbnewsc!parnass@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (Bob Parnass, AJ9S)
- I just received literature for the SuperDF direction finder.
- I first read about this product in the "Transmitter Hunting" book
- then in "Mobile Radio Technology" magazine.
- Has anyone on the net tried the SuperDF? If so, please comment
- on your experiences and you opinion of the quality of construction,
- performance, etc.
- The SuperDF connects to the earphone and antenna jacks
- of any FM receiver. Both the control unit and antennas are
- available in kit or assembled form.
- The SuperDF is available from:
- BMG Engineering
- 9935 East Garibaldi Avenue
- Temple City, CA 91780
- Dicsclaimer: This is not a product endorsement.
- --
- ============================================================================
- Bob Parnass, AJ9S - AT&T Bell Laboratories - att!ihuxz!parnass (312)979-5414
- ------------------------------
- Date: 19 Oct 89 00:40:53 GMT
- From: gem.mps.ohio-state.edu!uakari.primate.wisc.edu!uwm.edu!ux1.cso.uiuc.edu!ux1.cso.uiuc.edu!phil@tut.cis.ohio-state.edu
- Subject: for TI.COM people
- I have gotten 2 people sending me mail from the same domain now, related to
- postings here on rec.ham-radio and I cannot get answers back because their
- mail daemon is refusing to talk.
- To: dube@cpdvax.csc.ti.com
- To: rlwest@flopn2.csc.ti.com
- Could you please contact the person who is responsible for your incoming
- E-mail machine and have it fixed. Pass on to them my name (Phil Howard)
- and phone number (217-244-6246) and E-mail address (phil@ux1.cso.uiuc.edu).
- Your mail reaches me OK.
- It is very annoying when mail does not go through. It is even more annoying
- to find out that the problem is because the mailer on the receiving end is
- broken incessantly. Sorry for bothering the net with this.
- --Phil howard-- <phil@ux1.cso.uiuc.edu>
- -.-- . ... - .... .. ... .. ... -- -.--
- .-.-.- ... .. --. -. .- - ..- .-. . ..-. .. .-.. .
- ------------------------------
- Date: 19 Oct 89 03:12:00 GMT
- From: uw-entropy!dataio!pilchuck!ssc!tad@beaver.cs.washington.edu (Tad Cook)
- Subject: Guemes Island followup
- Guemes Is. Re-cap, pt 1
- Guemes Island DXpedition
- I wanted to post a follow-up to my notices about the petition for new
- country status for Guemes and Tatoosh Islands, and let everyone know how
- well the DXpedition to Guemes went, and the chances of new country status
- being granted.
- When I looked at Rule 3b in the DXCC rules and saw that it seemed to apply
- to the San Juan Archipelago, I was skeptical. I had studied DXCC rules,
- and I just couldn't believe that there was a rule so clear that there was
- no doubt about it's application. Many DXCC rules are not as easy to
- understand. I showed it to several friends, looked at maps, and re-read
- the rules, and no matter how I tried to draw lines between Guemes and
- Tatoosh Islands, they always crossed the intervening territory of British
- Columbia. I decided to put it on the air, apply for new country status,
- and see what happened.
- For those not familiar with DXCC rule 3b, here it is:
- "(b) Islands: Where two islands, of the government under Point 1, are
- totally separated by an intervening DXCC country (also under Point 1), each
- island counts as a separate DXCC country. No minimum distance is required.
- The test for total separation means that a straight line may not be drawn
- from any point on one island to any point on the other island without
- passing through another DXCC country. This intervening country may be a
- part of either island, another island, or part of a continent."
- Tatoosh and Guemes Islands qualify under rule 3b because British Columbia
- (VE7) intervenes. There is just no way to draw a line between Tatoosh and
- Guemes without crossing VE7, unless the ARRL is planning to re-define a
- straight line!
- I contacted a ham who lives on Guemes Island, and he offered to let me use
- his station for the operation on Labor Day weekend. I went up to Guemes,
- put it on the air, and made almost 3,000 QSOs. Several hams came over to
- the island to help out with the pileups. If you worked us and have not
- QSLd yet, please send your card with an SASE to the address below. If you
- did not work us, but would like a nice map showing Tatoosh, Guemes, and the
- line crossing British Columbia, drop me a note with an SASE, and I'll send
- you one.
- Two days before the operation I began getting calls at work from members of
- the ARRL DX Advisory Committee. One of them contacted my mother via an old
- callbook address, and got my work number. These guys tried everything to
- persuade me NOT to put Guemes Island on the air. One of them even told me
- that he was "deeply offended" by my application for new country status!
- They said that Rule 3b was flawed, and that they were working on a rewrite.
- I mentioned that at this point it had been 20 months since the ARRL Board
- had approved this rule, and this was plenty of time to make corrections.
- Continued in Part 2.
- /EX
- Guemes Is. Re-cap, pt 2
- Continued from Part 1.
- We talked about some other entities that had been granted country status in
- the past that these fellows felt should not be counted as separate coun-
- tries. One was the Sovereign Military Order of Malta, a building inside
- the Vatican. They said that rules had changed so that something like this
- couldn't be approved again, but that this country was "grandfathered" when
- the rules changed. I told them I hoped that if they rewrote Rule 3b to
- specifically exclude Guemes Island, that it could also be grandfathered,
- since it obviously does qualify at this time.
- Their basic objection was that they felt that it was not DX. It was just
- too close to the United States! I feel that this reveals an interesting
- bias. It seems that in order for it to be DX, it has to be "over there"
- somewhere. Probably if it was in the Red Sea or Africa they would treat
- this application seriously. Never mind that hams in Asia or Europe might
- consider Guemes Island as DX. It is just not exotic enough for U.S. hams.
- I have received some other interesting objections to Guemes being counted
- as a separate DXCC country. One is that it does not issue it's own
- currency! But there are many DXCC countries that don't (Aruba, Palmyra;
- the list is endless) and besides, it is not a requirement of rule 3b.
- If you look at the DXCC countries list and the rules, you can find many
- countries that do not qualify under the current rules regarding government,
- or any other rules. But the reason that they count is that at the time
- that separate country status was applied for, they did qualify, and when
- the rule was changed, they were grandfathered. Check out any of the Soviet
- Republics, Desecheo, Wales, Isle of Man, even Alaska and Hawaii! If the
- ARRL finally changes rule 3b, why shouldn't Guemes Island be grandfathered
- too?
- The DXAC has not made a recommendation yet on Guemes Island. My hope for
- acceptance is buoyed by a statement in the DX column in the October 1989
- issue of CQ magazine. Don Search, W3AZD, DXCC administrator said:
- "The Board of Directors has told us to enforce the rules as written. There
- are no provisions in the DXCC rules for exceptions."
- After reading rule 3b, looking at a map, and reading the statement from the
- DXCC administrator, how can our claim be denied?
- Remember that DXAC will recommend, but not decide the status of Guemes
- Island. If you read rule 3b, look at the map and agree that it qualifies,
- contact your ARRL Division Director. Also please contact ARRL Executive
- V.P. Dave Sumner, K1ZZ, at ARRL, 225 Main St., Newington, CT 06111.
- In closing, I did not do this to make fun of DXCC, the ARRL, or to cause
- anyone any big problems. I have always wanted to put a "new one" on the
- air, and I did it. DXers love to chase a new country, and everyone had
- a great time. I hope you were able to work us, and now have our unique
- QSL in your shack.
- 73 and Good DX!
- Tad Cook, KT7H
- 5519 12th Ave. NE
- Seattle, WA 98105-3505
- Packet: KT7H @ N7HFZ
- MCI Mail: 328-8544
- USENET: tad@ssc.UUCP
- /EX
- ------------------------------
- Date: 19 Oct 89 18:48:25 GMT
- From: shlump.nac.dec.com!delni.enet.dec.com@decuac.dec.com (fred k1io)
- Subject: Guemes Island followup
- Well, Tad, it was a good hack, but I for one don't think it's a "new
- one" either.
- What we see is an example of badly written rules. Laws aren't usually
- written by amateurs (legislators have staff assistants) and rules, like
- laws, have both a "spirit" and a "letter". Poorly drafted rules like
- DXCC rule 3b are prone to sloppy interpretation, but clearly the
- "spirit" of the rule was not to make Guemes a country.
- Come to think of it, can you draw a line from Galveston Island, TX to
- some little island in Southern CA that doesn't cross northern Mexico?
- Campobello, ME to Mercer Is, WA without crossing Ontario?
- Tad did a good job of proving that the DXCC rules are sloppily written.
- IMHO, not much more.
- ------------------------------
- Date: 19 Oct 89 05:20:17 GMT
- From: gem.mps.ohio-state.edu!usc!merlin.usc.edu!girtab.usc.edu!eickmeye@tut.cis.ohio-state.edu (Biff Henderson)
- Subject: LoJack and FBI frequencies (was Re: ARRL and User Fees)
- In article <30500246@ux1.cso.uiuc.edu> phil@ux1.cso.uiuc.edu writes:
- >I would assume the FBI would want to keep these frequencies as secret as
- >possible for the safety of their agents and other persons wearing the body
- >mikes.
- I don't see why the FBI bothered to object: since the LoJack frequencies
- are fixed and publicly available, they are no longer secret; and since
- they are already in widespread use in some states, the FBI will have to
- modify or dump their equipment. It's too late to voice their objections
- now, and even if they had objected several years ago, that would still
- publicize the frequencies they use.
- ------------------------------
- Date: 18 Oct 89 15:15:15 GMT
- From: daemon@iuvax.cs.indiana.edu (BACS Data Communications Group)
- Subject: magnetometers
- to sci.electronics and rec.ham-radio:
- _Sky & Telescope_ October '89 published plans for a "Jam-jar
- magnetometer" useful as an aurora alarm. A more advanced version of
- the same device appeared in the July 1988 issue of _The Lowdown_
- (newsletter of the Longwave Club of America). This one has a Hall-
- effect sensor and amplifiers added, so that the compass deflections
- can be output to a chart-recorder.
- See also _Electronics_ magazine, December 1980, p. 112 for plans of a
- Hall-effect magnetic compass with no moving parts.
- Copies of the above available for SASE, and I'm sending them to WA4VLV
- re his request on rec.ham-radio.
- --
- Frank Reid W9MKV @ K9IU reid@gold.bacs.indiana.edu
- P.O. Box 5283
- Bloomington. Indiana
- USA 47407-5283
- ------------------------------
- Date: 18 Oct 89 17:07:23 GMT
- From: zephyr.ens.tek.com!orca!miker@uunet.uu.net (Mike Reiney)
- Subject: Need 450 MHz. 10W transistor. How can you tell freq range?
- I need one or more 12 volt final transistors for a 10W 450MHz. radio.
- It's a stud (helicopter) package. Yes, I know there are numerous
- places to buy them new. I want a good used/unwanted one at a
- used/unwanted price. Please send mfg part number and price.
- I have a couple of 12V RF power transistors (wrong package for this
- application) with non-standard house part numbers. Looks like they
- were engineering samples. Somebody wrote the power rating
- on the box, but no hint of frequency range.
- Is there a way to determine if they're HF/VHF/UHF without putting
- them in an amplifier?
- Perhaps I can measure the capacitance and infer the frequency
- range.
- I have access to quite a bit of measurement equipment, but I don't
- know what to look for.
- I wouldn't mind hooking up a low power test fixture, but I'm not
- willing to do anything as complicataed as full power S-parameter
- measurements.
- thanks, miker
- ------------------------------
- Date: 18 Oct 89 19:21:15 GMT
- From: gem.mps.ohio-state.edu!uakari.primate.wisc.edu!aplcen!stda.jhuapl.edu!mjj@tut.cis.ohio-state.edu (Marshall Jose)
- Subject: Neutralizing Heathkit finals (6146/A/B woes)
- Can someone out there tell what the full dope is about neutralizing
- 6146As & 6146Bs in a Heathkit SB-10x/HW-10x final. I have heard an
- unexpanded rumor about how only 6146 tubes can be neutralized in
- those xcvrs, and how even Heathkit claims that the A & B series tubes
- cannot be successfully neutralized.
- Checking an old ARRL Handbook shows the Cgp for a 6146 as 0.25 pF, and
- for the 6146A/B as 0.23 pF -- hardly a significant difference.
- Now, Heathkit's recommended neut. procedure is to apply full power
- into a dummy load, and (through repeated trials) adjust the neut.
- trimmer cap to make Ip dip and Po peak coincide at the same point
- of the plate tune cap's rotation. This differs from the feedforward-
- minimization method presumably because the Cgp changes with Ip, and
- one wants to neutralize for the full-power condition.
- Can someone out there please straighten me out on this? Am I worrying too
- much about this? Thanks,
- Marshall Jose WA3VPZ
- mjj@aplvax.jhuapl.edu || ...mimsy!aplcen!aplvax!mjj
- ------------------------------
- Date: 19 Oct 89 14:35:22 GMT
- From: gem.mps.ohio-state.edu!uwm.edu!ux1.cso.uiuc.edu!herodotus.cs.uiuc.edu!kadie@tut.cis.ohio-state.edu (Carl M. Kadie)
- Subject: Telephone privacy gadgets Add: Cryptography
- >In article <OTTO.89Oct17163149@tukki.jyu.fi> otto@tukki.jyu.fi (Otto J. Makela)
- >writes:
- >>Preventation: does anyone know of cheap but reasonably reliable scramblers ?
- In article <790@ariel.unm.edu> ee5391aa@hydra.unm.edu.UUCP (Duke McMullan n5gax) writes:
- ...
- >Cheap and hard to defeat -- I don't think it exists, but it could, and the
- >technology is HERE TODAY! It actually wouldn't be hard to integrate the whole
- >schmeer, including D/A, A/D, key management, (en/de)cryption, and an automatic
- >slicer-dicer for carrots all on the same chip. The thing that would make it
- >cheap is volume production, which probably won't happen, at least not soon.
- Everyone needs this technology. On National Public Radio last week
- there was a story about baby monitors. These are wireless devices
- that parents use to listen in on their baby's room. The devices work
- like a sensitive one-way walkie-talkie. The problem: Anyone with a
- radio scanner can hear just about every conversation in your house.
- There is a similar problem with cordless phone. Cellular phone
- can be heard on older scanners.
- Any solution that tries to outlaw such monitoring (although it
- is illegal to monitor cellular phone calls) is doomed to failure.
- [You just can't stop people from listening to radio signals that
- enter their house.] The technological solution to this
- technological problem is much better -- scramble the signals.
- There is precedence: HBO solved (most of) its problem with home satellite
- dish owners by scrambling.
- - Carl Kadie
- Carl Kadie
- University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- ARPA: kadie@m.cs.uiuc.edu
- ------------------------------
- Date: 19 Oct 89 00:40:56 GMT
- From: gem.mps.ohio-state.edu!uakari.primate.wisc.edu!uwm.edu!ux1.cso.uiuc.edu!ux1.cso.uiuc.edu!phil@tut.cis.ohio-state.edu
- Subject: want mods info
- I would like to find out if anyone has obtained mods info for the following
- radios:
- Icom IC-3210
- Icom IC-2400
- Kenwood TM-731
- to expand their UHF coverage. According to technicians at the respective
- company offices, full 420-450 Mhz coverage is possible, but because the mod
- also opens up public service band coverage, they cannot (company policy)
- give out information on the mods unless you have a MARS or CAP license.
- --Phil howard-- <phil@ux1.cso.uiuc.edu>
- -.-- . ... - .... .. ... .. ... -- -.--
- .-.-.- ... .. --. -. .- - ..- .-. . ..-. .. .-.. .
- ------------------------------
- End of INFO-HAMS Digest V89 Issue #779
- **************************************